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After Abortion

Hope and healing

Most women do not freely choose abortion; they resort to abortion.


If you are suffering from an abortion experience, you are not alone. Countless women and men have been deeply damaged by abortion. There is hope. Confidential counselling and healing services are available.


If you have recently had an abortion or think you may be suffering the effects of an abortion long ago, please contact the resources found to the left of this page.


Project Rachel


Project Rachel Logo.png

905-526-1999 or 1-888-385-3850

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Angelina Steenstra


Silent No More Logo.jpg

National (U.S.):
Canada: (Angelina Steenstra, coordinator for Ontario)

Project Rachel offers confidential counselling and support for men and women suffering from an abortion experience. Visit the local website and call the confidential phone line to learn more: 905-526-1999 or 1-888-385-3850.

Contact Info

26 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON N1H 4H8

(519) 836-6311

Pregnant? Need Help?

Call/Text (519) 803-0313

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